S.C. Verbiță Truck S.R.L. – Dealer & Reparator Autorizat IVECO


Acest prestigios trofeu demonstrează angajamentul IVECO cu privire la inovație tehnologică și transport sustenabil.


Gama Daily Blue Power ofera o solutie Sustenabila si Eficienta pentru transportul urban de persoane si marfa. Este combinatia perfecta intre tehnologie, emisii scazute, performanta si eficienta pentru a se potrivi misiunilor urbane: alege intre noul Daily Euro 6 2020 RDE Ready, primul LCV certificat pentru emisii Real Driving; noul Daily Hi-Matic Natural Power cu transmisia automata in 8 trepte.


Daily Blue Power nu cunoaste limite, poate intra in toate zonele urbane oricand: asigura-ti afacerea de transport pentru viitor si descopera-ti partenerul pentru un business sustenabil

Primul motor CNG cuplat cu o cutie de viteze automata in 8 trepte​.​​
DAILY EURO 6 2020 RDE Ready
​Primul vehicul comercial usor certificat pentru Real Driving Emissions, pregatit pentru normele legislative din 2020.​​


Familia Daily Blue Power este partenerul de business sustenabil care deschide drumul către Livrări Nelimitate în mediul urban și în misiunile suburbane, eliberând operatorii de transport de constrângerile legislației pentru protecția mediului înconjurător datorită combinației câștigătoare între tehnologie, emisii scăzute, performanță înaltă și eficiență.


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Sustainability champion: IVECO Daily Blue Power is International Van of the Year 2018
  • ​​​​​Daily Blue Power – IVECO’s new sustainable range for unlimited delivery in urban areas – has been voted International Van of the Year 2018 by a panel of 25 senior commercial vehicle journalists from across Europe: 
    • Daily Electric is the 100% zero-emissions vehicle
    • Daily Euro 6 RDE 2020 Ready is the first LCV ready for 2020 Real Driving Emissions regulations
    • Daily Hi-Matic Natural Power is the first Compressed Natural Gas vehicle with an 8-speed automatic gearbox in the LCV industry 
  • The prestigious award demonstrates IVECO’s commitment to technology and its focus on sustainable transport: as first manufacturer in the world of commercial transport to have recognised the potential of natural gas, IVECO has developed a full range of natural gas-powered vans, trucks and buses
The new IVECO Daily Blue Power range  was crowned International Van of the Year 2018  yesterday evening at Solutrans, the international trade show for the road transport industry held in Lyon, France.
IVECO’s new light segment van and chassis cab range fought off strong competition to take the win, just three years after Daily won the 2015 title. The prestigious award is recognition of the brand’s focus on using technology to improve sustainability, with judges agreeing the Daily Blue Power “puts together the main and viable solutions to reduce the environmental impact of LCVs in urban and suburban operations.” They highlighted the fact that with this range “IVECO has the sustainable vehicles the market is asking for” and that the range’s “Electric, Natural Gas and SCR are all proven technologies developed by IVECO.” The jury was particularly impressed by the technical innovation of IVECO’s new range and for “presenting the new Real Driving Emission diesel engine now – three years ahead of the EU’s RDE regulation which will be mandatory for vans – far ahead of any competitor” and by the absolute driving pleasure of the Daily Hi-Matic Natural Power. 
Jarlath Sweeney, International Van of the Year Chairman, summed up the jury vote: “Congratulations to IVECO on the impressive development achievements with the Daily Blue Power. IVECO has always been on the forefront of sustainability in the LCV segment. The new Daily Blue Power range confirms this position.”
Receiving the award, Pierre Lahutte, IVECO Brand President, commented: “In the year of its 40th anniversary, the Daily has been elected as the “International Van of the Year” for the third time. Beyond the acclaimed and successful product, this award recognizes the tremendous efforts made by IVECO to decisively contribute to the battle for clean air in our cities and CO2 emission reductions. Daily Blue Power in its electric, natural gas and most advanced diesel versions, is the first and only vehicle to offer three choices that anticipate regulations increasingly impacting access to urban centres. This secures our customers’ investment and gives them the competitive advantage they need to develop their sustainable businesses.”
Launched internationally in October 2017, the Daily Blue Power range is unique in the market for offering customers freedom of choice between three different technologies to match the specific requirements of their mission and business. The line-up includes:
Daily Electric: a zero-emissions vehicle designed to operate in cities with the strictest traffic restrictions, offering an extended range of up to 200 km in real urban conditions and battery performance optimised for all weathers. Its fast charge setting of just 2 hours is complemented by an Eco-Power driving mode and regenerative braking feature which further enhances efficiency.
Daily Euro 6 RDE 2020 Ready: the most advanced diesel-powered LCV on the market, and the first to be tested and verified for Real Driving Emissions (RDE). This model anticipates the challenging 2020 environmental targets with a solution verified independently by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), and available to buy today.
Power comes from a right-sized engine, IVECO’s 2.3-litre F1A, which was fully re-engineered in 2016 and offers a higher displacement than other manufacturers, delivering greater durability and naturally low real driving NOx emissions. The Daily Euro 6 RDE 2020 Ready is also extremely fuel efficient: it uses up to 7% less fuel compared to the current version thanks to its Start&Stop system and Michelin Agilis+ eco-tyres.
Daily Hi-Matic Natural Power: the industry’s first compressed natural gas-powered LCV with the class-exclusive 8-speed automatic gearbox, which delivers absolute driving pleasure. This extremely quiet urban vehicle delivers the robustness, performance and reliability that Daily is best known for, together with greater comfort and a 2.5% fuel economy advantage versus a manual transmission, together with reduced emissions and best-in-class driveability.
Its 3-litre F1C engine generates 136 hp to deliver best-in-class torque of 350 Nm, producing 76% less particulate matter (PM) and 12% less NOx emissions than its Euro VI 3.0-litre diesel equivalent. In real urban driving conditions, CO2 emissions are normally 3% lower than diesel – but this rises to 5% thanks to the advanced Hi-Matic transmission. If bio-methane is used, CO2 emissions are close to zero, with a 95% reduction.
Your partner for sustainable transport
IVECO’s product strategy is to provide customers with vehicles that enable them to be more sustainable, for both the environment and their bottom line.
The company was the first manufacturer in the world of commercial transport to recognise the potential of natural gas – foresight that saw IVECO develop a full range of natural gas-powered vans, trucks and buses. IVECO is still the only manufacturer to offer a full range of natural gas-powered models, with more than 22,000 IVECO gas-powered vehicles sold to-date.
Earlier this year IVECO was named NGV Global Industry Champion 2017 by the International Association for Natural Gas Vehicles, in recognition of its commitment to the natural gas sector and for its efforts in developing the CNG and LNG markets. IVECO was also the only truck manufacturer to be shortlisted for an award at the 6th annual European Gas Awards of Excellence 2017, which saw the brand named in the “Project of the Year” category for its vision for sustainable heavy duty transport that led to the development of the first natural gas powered truck for long-distance haulage. 
IVECO also won two of the three “Sustainable Truck of the Year 2017” awards, with the Eurocargo CNG being victorious in the DISTRIBUTION category and the Daily Electric in the VAN category. For the second year running, the Daily has won the “Sustainable Truck of the Year 2018” title in the van category with the new Daily Hi-Matic Natural Power thanks to “its drive towards greater sustainability, with continued updates and improvements both on a small and large scale”.
IVECO BUS was also recently awarded for its sustainability: the Crossway LE Natural Power recently received the “Sustainable Bus Award” in the Intercity category. 


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